Patient Safety Culture Action Plans

Improving patient safety one organization at a time

Action Lists from Patient Safety Culture Survey

Action Lists

Organizational Action Plan

Change won’t happen by analyzing the results – change will happen only through implementing actions, the right actions. Transforming patient safety culture effectively and efficiently can only happen if the right things are done and the actions are laser focused.

This is where organizations fall down, most don’t have the experience of knowing which initiatives to run and which will work in their specific context. Bundling multiple interventions or tools is a common strategy to improve safety culture. This is where our innovative approach utilizing principles taken from IHI Framework of Spread can help. 

Using a combination of programs including; team training, implementation of communication tools, executive walk rounds, interdisciplinary rounding, unit-based improvement strategies who results are measured and are owned by front-line clinicians and staff. Actions determined by the results of the patient safety culture survey have shown that clinician and staff perceptions improve along with patient safety practices and patient outcomes

Demings’s PDSA cycle

Improvement approaches require having measures in place to determine success – this also helps monitor operational excellence so identifying performance measures is absolutely essential to ensure PDSA cycles are helping and ultimately positively impacting the patient safety culture .

“It is during those transformational moments when culture is built; those transformational moments when we as leaders model the behavior we seek and refuse to overlook or ignore, and instead choose to improve the safety of those we care for and those we work with.”