About Us

Improving patient safety one organization at a time

Our mission is to provide an affordable service which enables you to quickly and easily determine where to focus your efforts and transform your culture to one where patient safety is not simply an afterthought but a priority to everyone.

HSOPs 2.0 Survery

Healthcare professionals don’t want to spend their time trying to deliver surveys, analyze the results, and work out best practices. They are focused on providing everyday front line care and want the rest of us to support them in providing higher levels of care. The update and changes to the survey from HSOPS 1.0 to HSOPS 2.0 is one of those examples where we can help you stay current and up-to-date with best practices.

We are passionate about patient safety and have been for over 10 years. Our team has significant experience in cultural transformation, survey design, process improvement, data analysis, and report authoring. We do this all the time and so have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on what works and what doesn’t. You may have the best system in the world but if everyone hates using it what’s the point.

We care about the patient and believe that “what staff do when no one is watching” is more important in healthcare than in nearly all other industries. Let’s make the safe thing to do, the easiest thing to do for staff – by using their feedback and the lessons from across healthcare and beyond let’s make, not just temporary changes, but real cultural transformations. We provide you with the right message delivered in the right way for healthcare professionals to understand and use.